Yonghyeon Kang

  • Of Counsel
  • T. +82-2-3404-0184
  • F. +82-2-3404-0806
  • E. yonghyeon.kang@bkl.co.kr


Yonghyeon Kang is an of counsel at Bae, Kim & Lee LLC (BKL). Mr. Kang's practice focuses on litigation involving construction, real estate, finance, and management rights disputes.

Prior to joining BKL in 2001, Mr. Kang served in the judiciary as a judge for 21 years: He started his career with Seoul Civil District Court (currently, Seoul Central District Court) in 1980 and retired from Seoul Central District Court as a presiding judge in 2001. His successful exemplary cases as a BKL attorney include: management rights dispute between SK and Sovereign Global Investment and other important civil litigation cases; Saemangeum case; a criminal case involving the principle of fruit of the poisonous tree. In particular, in the latter two exemplary cases, he successfully defended his clients before the Supreme Court's full bench, and received a favorable judgment (in the Saemangeum case) and a reversed and remanded decision to the effect that his client was not guilty (in the criminal case involving the fruit of the poisonous tree principle).

Mr. Kang taught civil attorneys' practice at Judicial Research and Training Institute, and seminar on civil law at Seoul National University Law School. He co-authored Annotations to the Civil Act, Commentary to the Civil Law, and Commentary to the Law of Civil Procedure. He has experiences serving as a president of the Korea Association of the Law of Civil Procedure, the Association of Korean Civil Judgment Enforcement Law, and the Korea Association of Criminal Case Studies. In addition, Mr. Kang served as a director or auditor of several non-profit foundations, including Dongcheon Public Interest Foundation, a BKL's non-profit pro bono affiliate.

Representative Experience

2001-Present Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
1999-2001 Presiding Judge, Seoul Central District Court
1999-2000 Visiting Scholar, Harvard Law School
1998-1999 Presiding Judge, Eastern Branch of Seoul District Court
1997-1998 Presiding Judge, Suwon District Court
1995-1997 Research Judge, Supreme Court of Korea
1994-1995 Presiding Judge, Cheongju District Court & Research Judge, Supreme Court of Korea
1993-1994 Judge, Seoul High Court & Research Judge, Supreme Court of Korea
1992-1993 Judge, Seoul High Court
1990-1992 Judge, Seoul High Court & Director General, Investigation Bureau of National Court Administration
1989-1990 Judge, Seoul Criminal District Court
1986-1989 Judge, Eastern Branch of Seoul District Court
1984-1986 Judge, Jeonju District Court
1982-1984 Judge, Seoul Criminal District Court
1980-1982 Judge, Seoul Civil District Court
See More
2016-2018 President, Korea Association of the Law of Civil Procedure
2012-Present Director, The Beautiful Foundation
2012-2015 Member, Finance and Economy Committee, Seoul National University
2012-2014 Chairman, Association of Korean Civil Judgment Enforcement Law
2012-2013 Chairman, Korean Criminal Law Association
2010-2013 Lecturer, Seoul National University School of Law
2009-Present Director, Dongcheon Public Interest Foundation
2008-2010 Vice President, Association of Civil Practice Studies
2005-2008 Adjunct Professor, Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
2004-2008 Member, Legal Advisory Committee, Korean Broadcasting Commission
2003-2007 Auditor, Sammi Foundation

Representative Matters

Successfully represented client in the Supreme Court's full bench case involving the fruit of poisonous tree principle
Represented client in a case involving the application for the approval of the convocation of general shareholders' meeting between SK and Sovereign Asset Management
Represented client in administrative case involving Saemangeum project
Represented key construction companies in major reconstruction and redevelopment cases
Represented Insurance Company A in a dispute involving its insurance contract


1980 Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
1978 Seoul National University (LL.B.)

Selected Activities

Commentaries on the New Code of Civil Procedure VI (Co-author, Korean Society of Judicial Administration, 2004)
Criminal Case Review II - Whether delivering monies to an electoral clerk so that he or she can give them to voters constitutes a donation, Essays in celebration of the 61st birthday of Prof. Jae Sang Lee a.k.a Ji Song (Pakyoungsa, 2003)
The Task and Prospect of the 21st Century's Civil Law - Filing of Counterclaim During the Appeal in a Civil Case and Set-off Defense, Essays in celebration of the 61st birthday of Mr. Sang Hyun Song a.k.a Shim Dang (Pakyoungsa, 2002)
Issues relating to criminal trials Volume III - Breach of the ban on provision of money or other valuables and on donation by a third party, Essays in celebration of retirement of Supreme Court Justice Seong Taek Shin a.k.a Song Gye, Association of Criminal Practice Studies (Pakyoungsa, 2000)
Commentaries on the Civil Code; Law of Obligation, the particulars (3) - Lease (Co-author, Korean Society of Judicial Administration, 1999)
Legal Practice Issues - Causation between seaworthiness and occurrence of damages, a requirement for indemnification under the general terms and conditions of mutual aid for fishing vessels, Essays in celebration of the 61st birthday of Mr. In Seob Kim a.k.a Dong Cheon (Pakyoungsa, 1996)
Decision that bans a person who has displayed defamatory advertisements from advertising, and indirect compulsory performance ordered in such decision process, Supreme Court Case Review Serial No. 25 (Supreme Court Library, 1996)
Annotation to the Civil Code X- Fidelity Guarantee Act and Indemnity Agreement (Co-author, Pakyoungsa, 1995)
Issues relating to Civil Trials (Volume II) - Method of appeal for a lawsuit involving objection to the grant of execution clause, Eessays in celebration of the 61st birthday of Mr. Shi Yun Lee a.k.a Song Cheon (Pakyoungsa, 1995)
Law and Justice- Legitimacy of disciplinary procedures, Essays in celebration of the 61st birthday of Mr. Hoe Chang Lee a.k.a Gyeong Sa (Pakyoungsa, 1995)
Annotation to the Civil Code III - Subrogation (Pakyoungsa, 1992)
Issues relating to Preservation Litigations (Volume II) - Settlement Injunction, Court Reference Book Serial No. 46 (National Court Administration, 1989)
Assault using a vehicle and carrying dangerous objects, Justice, Vol. 31, pp. 115-126 (Korean Society of Law, 1998)
Order of Civil Merit (Mugunghwa Medal, 2017)
Pro Bono Service Award (Seoul Bar Association, 2014)
Achievement Award (Korean Bar Association, 2009)


1980 Korea