Jung Hoon Lee BAE, KIM & LEE IP

  • Partner, Patent Attorney
  • T. +82-2-3404-0113
  • F. +82-2-3404-0803
  • E. junghoon.lee@bkl.co.kr


Jung Hoon LEE co-founded Bae, Kim & Lee LLC with Myungin Bae and Insub Kim in 1986. Mr. Lee focuses his practice on management rights disputes, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance and holding companies, commercial cases, and intellectual property rights, etc.

Mr. Lee served as president of the Korea Intellectual Property Society; chairman of the Law Market Opening Research Committee, Korean Bar Association; chairman of the Special Subcommittee for Enactment of Foreign Law Advisors Act, Ministry of Justice; president of LawAsia, an organization for lawyers in the Asia-Pacific region; president of the Korean Arbitrators Association; and president of Dongcheon Foundation.

Representative Experience

1986-Present Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
1977-1978 Prosecutor, Suwon Branch of Seoul District Prosecutors' Office
1975-1977 Prosecutor, Seoul District Prosecutors' Office
1972-1975 Judge Advocate, Republic of Korea Army
See More
2009-2015 President, Dongcheon Foundation
2007-2011 President, Korean Arbitrators Association
2005-2006 President, The Law Association for Asia and the Pacific (LawAsia)
2005-2006 Chairman, Special Subcommittee for Enactment of Foreign Law Advisors Act, Ministry of Justice
2001-2003 Vice President, The Law Association for Asia and the Pacific (LawAsia)
2001-2002 Member, International Affairs Committee, Korean Bar Association
2001-2005 Chairman, Law Market Opening Research Committee, Korean Bar Association
2001-2003 Member, Review Committee, Seoul Bar Association
2001-2005 President, Korea Intellectual Property Society
1999-2000 Member, Labeling and Advertisement Review Committee, Korea Fair Trade Commission
1999-2001 Director, Korean Bar Association
1999-2006 Vice President, Korean Arbitrators Association
1999-2001 Director, The Law Association for Asia and the Pacific (LawAsia)
1997-1999 Executive Director, Korean Legal Center
1997-1999 Researcher, Intellectual Property Rights Research Center
1997-1999 Member, Policy Advisory Committee, Korean Intellectual Property Office
1997-1999 Executive Director, International Affairs Committee, Korean Bar Association
1997-1999 Chairman, International Trade Committee, Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA)
1993-1994 Member, Copyright Commission for Deliberation and Conciliation
1990-1992 Executive Director, Seoul Bar Association
1990-1995 Member-Advisor, GATT Uruguay Round Geneva Negotiations, Republic of Korea Delegation
1989-2000 Vice President, Korean Intellectual Research Society
1988-1990 Editor, Korean Bar Association Journal
1988 Member, Korea-US Business Council
1986-1989 Lecturer, Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea


1983 University of Notre Dame Law School (J.D.)
1972 Seoul National University (LL.M.)
1972 Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
1968 Seoul National University (LL.B.)

Selected Activities

International Protection on Berne Convention and Intellectual Property Rights (1996)
Revision of the Copyright Act-Issues (1985)
The Korean Anti-Dumping Law (1985)
Citation (Minister of Knowledge Economy, 2012)


1984 New York
1984 California
1972 Korea