Hyunkook Ahn

  • Associate
  • T. +82-2-3404-7471
  • F. +82-2-3404-7687
  • E. hyunkook.ahn@bkl.co.kr


Hyunkook Ahn provides legal services mainly in relation to tax appeal cases, such as by representing a client in a tax litigation or appealing to the Tax Tribunal. In addition for his clients, Mr. Ahn not only offers legal advice on how to handle general tax-related matters and establish tax strategies, but also conducts representation in constitutional or administrative lawsuits. He earned an LL.B. from Yonsei University and J.D. from Sungkyunkwan University Law School. He was admitted to the Korean Bar and then has dealt with all types of tax-related legal issues at Bae, Kim & Lee LLC.

Representative Experience

2019-Present Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
2017-2019 Barun Law LLC

Representative Matters

Represented a client in the case concerning issuance of a false tax invoice in connection with Development Project A
Represented Korea Federation of Banks/Korea Securities Dealers Association in the case concerning revocation of a disposition to collect income tax
Represented Company B in the case concerning revocation of a disposition to impose tariffs, etc.
Represented Religious Organization C in the case concerning revocation of a disposition to impose corporate tax


2017 Sungkyunkwan University Law School (J.D.)
2014 Yonsei University (LL.B.)

Selected Activities

Citation (Dean of the Law School, 2017)


2017 Korea