Youngwon Yoon is an attorney at Bae, Kim & Lee LLC. Ms. Yoon's practice focuses mainly on civil and criminal cases involving infringement on intellectual property right (patent right, copyright and trademark right, etc.), the disputes involving unfair competition prevention law and trade secrect. Further, she also advises on licensing matters involving movies and contents in the entertainment field.
Ms. Yoon earned a B.A. in Political Science & Diplomacy from Yonsei University and a J.D. from the Yonsei University Law School. After admission to the Korean Bar, she joined BKL in 2019.
Related Practices
Representative Experience
Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
Representative Matters
Advised and represented clients in criminal and civil cases involving trade secret
Advised Company A on various fashion-related issues involving trademark right, design right and unfair competition
Advised Company B on its production of contents and licensing
Advised Company C on the management of its intellectual property rights
Yonsei University Law School (J.D.)
Yonsei University (B.A.)