Jinyoung Jeong

  • Associate
  • T. +82-2-3404-7470
  • F. +82-2-3404-0805
  • E. jinyoung.jeong@bkl.co.kr


Jinyoung Jeong provides legal services including litigation for intellectual properties, advice on online games, disputes related to trade secret and technology divulgence, management of intellectual properties, and strategic advice. Mr. Jeong joined Bae, Kim & Lee LLC after graduating Seoul National University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Hanyang University School of Law, and gained experience as a patent attorney in a patent firm for three years. Based on his engineering background and work experience as a patent attorney, he is cutting a fine figure in general cases related to patent, including intellectual property trial, patent infringement lawsuit, litigation with respect to trade secret, and patent value assessment for M&A.

Representative Experience

2017-Present Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
2012-2014 Koreana Patent Firm
2011 21st Century Patent Law Firm

Representative Matters

Represented and advised in litigation in relation to MMORPG of company A
Represented and advised in litigation in relation to batteries for electric vehicles of company B
Represented and advised in litigation in relation to employee invention remuneration of company C
Represented and advised in patent trial in relation to IPTV of company D
Advised company E on acquisition of pharmaceutical company
Represented and advised in litigation in relation to MMORPG of company A
Represented and advised in litigation in relation to batteries for electric vehicles of company B
Represented and advised in litigation in relation to employee invention remuneration of company C
Represented and advised in patent trial in relation to IPTV of company D
Advised company E on acquisition of pharmaceutical company
Advised company F on similarity of new mobile game
Advised chemical company G on patent dispute with Japanese competitor


2023 Georgetown University Law Center (LL.M.)
2017 Hanyang University School of Law (LL.M.)
2011 Seoul National University (B.S.)


2017 Korea
2009 Patent Attorney (Korea)