Jongwon Kim

  • Patent Attorney
  • T. +82-2-2188-5233
  • F. +82-2-2188-5455
  • E.


Jongwon Kim is a patent attorney at Bae, Kim & Lee IP. Since joining the firm in 2019, he has handled patent prosecutions in the chemical area.

Mr. Kim is knowledgeable and skilled in drafting patent specifications, responding to office actions and providing analysis work in the field of high performance materials, catalyst & process technology, petrochemicals products/technologies, IT devices, eco-friendly, advanced material and battery materials.

He graduated from Korea University, Department of Advanced Materials Chemistry in 2014.

Representative Experience

2019-Present Bae, Kim & Lee IP
2017-2019 P&P Patent & Law firm
2016-2017 Bae, Kim & Lee IP
2014-2016 Newkorea International Patent & Law firm
2014-2014 Deryook International Patent & Law firm


2014 Korea University (B.S., Advanced Materials Chemistry)


2013 Patent Attorney (Korea)