Jeongho Lee specializes in advice and representation for clients in a wide range of criminal cases involving corporate crime, finance, securities, digital forensic, and cybercrime.
After being appointed as a prosecutor in 1999, Mr. Lee served as a chief prosecutor of Special Investigation Division 1, Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office; as investigation director of Financial Failure Investigation Headquarters, Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation; as a deputy chief prosecutor of Finance & Tax Investigation Division 1, Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office; as head of Joint Investigation Team for Savings Bank Corruption, Supreme Prosecutors' Office; as head of Special Investigation Department, Daejeon District Prosecutors' Office; as digital forensic science officer & head of Cybercrime Investigation Division, Supreme Prosecutors' Office. He joined Bae, Kim & Lee LLC in March 2015. He graduated from Yonsei University College of Law and completed the 28th Judicial Research & Training Institute course.