Hohyeong Jo

  • Patent Attorney
  • T. +82-2-2188-5226
  • F. +82-2-2188-5455
  • E. hohyeong.jo@bkl.co.kr


Hohyeong Jo is a patent attorney at Bae, Kim & Lee IP. Since joining the firm in 2014, he has handled patent prosecutions in the chemical area.

Mr. Jo’s main duties consist of drafting patent specifications, responding to office actions and performing analysis work in the field of high performance materials, catalysts & process technology, petrochemicals products/technologies, IT devices, eco-friendly, advanced material and battery materials.

He graduated from Inha University, school of Chemical Engineering in 2012.

Representative Experience

2014-Present Bae, Kim & Lee IP
2012-2014 PARK, KIM & PARTNER


2022 University of Southern California (LL.M., 2022)
2012 Inha University (B.S. Chemical Engineering)


2012 Patent Attorney (Korea)