Tae Weon Lyu

  • Patent Attorney
  • T. +82-2-2188-5295
  • F. +82-2-2188-5455
  • E. taeweon.lyu@bkl.co.kr


Taeweon Lyu is a patent attorney at Bae, Kim & Lee IP. Since joining the firm in 2023, he has mainly handled patent prosecutions in the area of electronics.

Mr. Lyu performs tasks such as searching prior arts, drafting patent specifications and responding to office actions in the field of vehicle, telecommunications/network, and artificial intelligence.

He graduated from Pusan National University, College of Advanced Electrical Engineering in 2020. He passed the Korean Patent Attorney Bar Exam in 2022.

Representative Experience

2023-Present BAE, KIM & LEE IP


2020 Pusan National University (B.S., Electrical Engineering)


2022 Patent Attorney (Korea)