Younghun Jeong earned a B.A. degree (summa cum laude) in Social Welfare from Seoul National University (double major in Agricultural & Resource Economics) and a J.D. degree (cum laude) from Seoul National University School of Law. Afterwards, he was admitted to the Korean Bar in 2022. Currently, Mr. Jeong provides legal services and advice at Bae, Kim & Lee LLC and his practice mainly focuses on labor and employment.
Related Practices
- General Civil Disputes
- Criminal Defense Litigation
- Labor & Employment Disputes
- Wages, Working Hours and Other Employment Conditions
- Dismissal and Disciplinary Action
- Response to Labor Union, Collective Bargaining, and Collective Bargaining Agreement
- Workplace Harassment, Sexual Harassment Investigations and Resolution
- Utilization of External Workforce, Including In-house Subcontracting
- Response to Regulatory Authorities
- Other Labor and Employment Advices
Representative Experience
Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
Representative Matters
Represented Steel Company A in criminal cases over death by occupational negligence and violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
Represented Advertising Company B in a case over the employee status of telemarketers under the Labor Standards Act
Represented multiple companies in lawsuits over peak wage systems, including Government Financial Company C and Hotel CA
Represented Government Company D in a lawsuit filed by in-house subcontracting workers in its subsidiary to seek confirmation of employee status (illegal worker dispatch)
Represented Automotive Subcontractor E in a lawsuit filed by in-house subcontracting workers to seek confirmation of employee status (illegal worker dispatch)
Represented Steel Company A in criminal cases over death by occupational negligence and violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
Represented Advertising Company B in a case over the employee status of telemarketers under the Labor Standards Act
Represented multiple companies in lawsuits over peak wage systems, including Government Financial Company C and Hotel CA
Represented Government Company D in a lawsuit filed by in-house subcontracting workers in its subsidiary to seek confirmation of employee status (illegal worker dispatch)
Represented Automotive Subcontractor E in a lawsuit filed by in-house subcontracting workers to seek confirmation of employee status (illegal worker dispatch)
Advised Display Manufacturer F on the risks of illegal worker dispatch
Represented Construction Company G and others in responding to criminal investigations into violations of the Serious Accidents Punishment Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Act
Advised Company H and others on the Serious Accidents Punishment Act
Represented Automotive Parts Manufacturer I and others in a lawsuit seeking damages for industrial accidents
Represented Company J and others in cases over unfair dismissal and unfair disciplinary actions
Advised Company K and others on workplace harassment matters
Advised Company L and others on wage system
Represented Company M and others in multiple lawsuits over normal wages
Seoul National University School of Law (J.D., cum laude)
Seoul National University (B.A., summa cum laude)
Practice Areas
- General Civil Disputes
- Criminal Defense Litigation
- Labor & Employment Disputes
- Wages, Working Hours and Other Employment Conditions
- Dismissal and Disciplinary Action
- Response to Labor Union, Collective Bargaining, and Collective Bargaining Agreement
- Workplace Harassment, Sexual Harassment Investigations and Resolution
- Utilization of External Workforce, Including In-house Subcontracting
- Response to Regulatory Authorities
- Other Labor and Employment Advices