Sunil Hong earned a B.S. in Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering and Political Science and International Relations from Korea University. After graduating with honors from the 10th Korea University School of Law in 2021, Mr. Hong is currently working as an attorney at Bae, Kim & Lee LLC.
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Representative Experience
Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
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Passed the Waste Treatment Engineer examination
Passed the Greenhouse Gas Management Engineer examination
Representative Matters
Represented domestic and foreign waste disposal companies in a number of lawsuits seeking revocation of administrative dispositions and criminal lawsuits related to the Waste Control Act
Represented a domestic company eligible for allocation of greenhouse-gas emission permits in a lawsuit seeking revocation of the allocation, return, and transfer of greenhouse-gas emission permits
Advised a foreign nonferrous metal manufacturer on the imposition of penalty surcharges under the Act on the Control and Aggravated Punishment of Environmental Offenses
Advised a domestic chemical product manufacturer on the Toxic Chemicals Control Act
Advised a domestic electronics manufacturer on ESG disclosure
Civil, Criminal, and Administrative Litigation Related to Environmental Law
Represented domestic and foreign waste disposal companies in a number of lawsuits seeking revocation of administrative dispositions and criminal lawsuits related to the Waste Control Act
Represented a domestic waste disposal company in a lawsuit for damages related to its breach of a waste disposal consignment contract
Represented a domestic industrial waste discharger in litigation seeking revocation of an order to take measures, a prior warning, and notification of a writ for administrative vicarious execution related to improper waste disposal
Represented a domestic waste recycler in a lawsuit seeking revocation of notification of rejection of the application for permission to use solid fuel products
Represented a domestic company eligible for allocation of greenhouse-gas emission permits in a lawsuit seeking revocation of the allocation, return, and transfer of greenhouse-gas emission permits
Represented a domestic timber company in a criminal lawsuit related to violation of the Clean Air Conservation Act
Represented a domestic bioenergy company in a criminal lawsuit related to violation of the Water Environment Conservation Act
Represented a domestic petrochemical company in a lawsuit seeking revocation of an administrative disposition and a criminal lawsuit related to the Chemical Substances Control Act
Advice and Regulatory Response Related to Environmental Law
Advised a foreign nonferrous metal manufacturer on the imposition of penalty surcharges under the Act on the Control and Aggravated Punishment of Environmental Offenses
Advised a foreign petrochemical company on the imposition of penalty surcharges under the Act on the Control and Aggravated Punishment of Environmental Offenses
Advised a domestic pharmaceutical company on the Clean Air Conservation Act
Advised a domestic shipbuilder on the Clean Air Conservation Act
Advised a domestic electronic equipment manufacturer on the Clean Air Conservation Act
Advised a domestic semiconductor manufacturer on the Water Environment Conservation Act
Advised a domestic medical supplies manufacturer on the Water Environment Conservation Act
Advised a domestic aircraft transport company on the Toxic Chemicals Control Act
Advised a domestic chemical product manufacturer on the Toxic Chemicals Control Act
Advised a domestic online grocery seller on the Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources
Advised on numerous other cases related to environmental law
ESG-Related Issues
Advised a domestic battery manufacturer on the preparation of its ESG disclosure report
Advised a domestic electronics manufacturer on ESG disclosure
Advised a domestic tobacco manufacturer on ESG supply chain due diligence/evaluation and establishment of a short- to medium-term roadmap
Korea University School of Law (J.D., cum laude)
Korea University (B.S.)