Minah So

  • Patent Attorney
  • T. +82-2-2188-5231
  • F. +82-2-2188-5455
  • E. minah.so@bkl.co.kr


Minah So is a patent attorney at Bae, Kim & Lee IP. Since joining the firm in 2021, she has handled domstic/incoming/outgoing cases in the trademark team.

Ms. So performs trademark prosecutions including trademark search/analysis, domestic/foreign applications, and responses to office actions and trademark dispute cases such as oppositions and trials. She also provides legal opinions on trademark matters.

She graduated from Ewha Womans University, Department of Food Science and Engineering in 2016.

Representative Experience

2021-Present BAE, KIM & LEE IP
2020-2021 KOREANA Patent Firm


2016 Ewha Womans University (B.S., Food Science and Engineering)


2019 Patent Attorney (Korea)