Jong Wook Lee BAE, KIM & LEE IP

  • Patent Attorney
  • T. +82-2-2188-5205
  • F. +82-2-2188-5205
  • E.


Jong Wook Lee is a partner of Bae, Kim & Lee IP and heads electrical and electronic practice team. He has extensive experience in all aspects of patent law, including patent procurement, portfolio management, patent litigation, pre-litigation analysis and strategy, and counseling in electrical and electronic engineering field. Particularly, he has significant experience in analysis and evaluation of essential patents in the mobile communication area.

In addition to experience as a patent attorney, he has handled various IP and standard issues of telecommunications as an Administrative Deputy Director at the Ministry of Information and Communication. While holding his government position, he participated as a member of FTA negotiations between Korea and the U.S. As an Administrative Deputy Director, he also developed a license program for essential patents in Korea, for which he had the responsibilities in the funding and managing of the program.

Representative Experience

2007-Present Bae, Kim & Lee IP
2005-2007 Administrative Deputy Director, Telecommunications Broadcasting Policy Office, Ministry of Information and Communications
2000-2005 Bae, Kim & Lee IP
1998-2000 Kim & Chang


1997 Seoul National University (B.S., Electric Engineering)


1998 Patent Attorney (Korea)