Hyungmok Cho BAE, KIM & LEE IP

  • Patent Attorney
  • T. +82-2-2188-5210
  • F. +82-2-2188-5455
  • E. hyungmok.cho@bkl.co.kr


Hyungmok Cho is mainly in charge of patent work in the field of electric and electronics since joining Bae, Kim & Lee IP in 2012.

Mr. Cho is in charge of drafting patent specifications, responding to office actions, third party submissions, oppositions, trials, appeals before the Patent Court, etc. He is frequently involved in litigation matters such as invalidation and scope confirmation trials as well as patent infringement trials. His main expertise is particularly in imaging processing, semiconductors, display, electrical power, secondary battery, software, BM, control of electric/electronic device.

Mr. Cho graduated from Seoul National University with a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering in 2007, and spent his youth in Japan, allowing smooth communication with Japanese customers and agents. Based on these skills, he contributes greatly in the acquisition/protection of Korean IP rights for Japanese clients, and also actively works to acquire/protect Korean IP rights for other non-Japanese clients.

Representative Experience

2012-Present Bae, Kim & Lee IP
2007-2012 Y.P.Lee, Mock & Partners

Representative Matters

Performed IP due diligence for acquisition of Korean Company L by Company K (semiconductor equipment)
Represented financial and e-commerce companies in business method patent cases
Represented Hanwha Q Cells Japan in the patent infringement lawsuit filed against Kyocera (Tokyo IP Court, Japan)
Represented Israeli Company O (semiconductor equipment) in its patent invalidation case


2007 Seoul National University (B.S., Electrical Engineering)


2007 Patent Attorney (Korea)