Doyeon Hwang BAE, KIM & LEE IP
- Patent Attorney
- T. +82-2-2188-5214
- F. +82-2-2188-5455
- E.
Doyeon Hwang is a patent attorney at Bae, Kim & Lee IP. He passed the Korean Patent Bar Exam in 2008, and received his B.S in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Seoul National University. Since joining the firm, he has been actively dealing with cases in all aspects of patent law including patent prosecutions, trials, litigations and providing advice as a representative of domestic and international clients.
In particular, Mr. Hwang has extensive experience and understanding in the fields of mechanical and aerospace engineering. He has performed substantial work in a number of cases related to patent trials, litigations, and has drafted advices in various application fields.
In addition, he is currently in charge of design prosecutions, trials, litigations and unfair competition at Bae, Kim & Lee IP.