Tae Seok Roh was responsible for providing advice with respect to various financial policies and financial legislation for the Financial Services Commission as its first policy specialist officer. Mr. Roh also served at the National Policy Committee where he strived for the enactment and amendment of finance related laws and the responses to financial pending matters, and conducted research on the practical issues in respect of finance, as a secretary to a member of the National Assembly of Korea.
Related Practices
Representative Experience
Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
Policy Specialist Officer, Financial Services Commission
Secretary to a Member of the National Assembly, National Assembly Secretariat
Senior Researcher, Law Research Institute, Sungkyunkwan University
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Adjunct Professor, Soongsil University
Director, Korean Securities Law Association
Director, Korean Bank and Financial Law Association
Sungkyunkwan University (LL.D.)
Sungkyunkwan University (LL.M.)
KonKuk University (LL.B.)
Selected Activities
A Study on the Regulation of Business Conduct of Financial Companies under the Financial Consumer Protection Act, Journal of Law Vol. 31 No. 2 (Chungnam National University Law Research Institute, 2020)
P2P Finance and Law (Co-author, Pakyoungsa, 2019)
A Comparative Study on Financial Consumer Protection and Supervision Policy of Internet Primary Bank in Major Countries, Journal of Financial Consumers Vol. 8 No. 3 (Co-author, Korean Academy of Financial Consumers, 2018)
Theories and Practices of Financial Law (Co-author, P&C Media, 2016)
Commentaries on Capital Market Law I, II (Co-author, Pakyoungsa, 2015)
Legal Review relating to permission to attract Foreign patients of Korean Insurance Companies, SungKyunKwan Law Review Vol. 26 No. 3 (Co-author, Sungkyunkwan University, 2014)
Legal Review on the 2014 Revision of Law on Usage and Protection of Credit Information, Korean Journal of Banking and Financial Law Vol. 7 No. 1 (Korea Banking and Financial Law Association, 2014)
A Study on Civil Remedies for Victims of Voice Phishing, Korean Journal of Financial Law Vol. 10 No. 1 (Co-author, Korea Financial Law Association, 2013)
A study on the problems and improvement of the system of sanction against a financial institution's officers and employees, Korean Journal of Banking and Financial Law Vol. 6 No. 1 (Korea Banking and Financial Law Association, 2013)
Improvements for Regulation on an Insurance Company's Conducts of Business in Korea, SungKyunKwan Law Review Vol. 23 No. 3 (Co-author, Sungkyunkwan University, 2011)
Financial Regulation and Civil Money Penalty, Korean Journal of Banking and Financial Law Vol 4. No. 1 (Korea Banking and Financial Law Association, 2011)
Legal Review of Regulations on Financial Companies' Conducts of Business in Korea, SungKyunKwan Law Review Vol. 23 No. 1 (Co-author, Sungkyunkwan University, 2011)
A Study on the Legal Responsibilities of Officers for Insolvency of Financial Institutions (Doctoral Dissertation, Sungkyunkwan University, 2012)
Legal Review on the Introduction of the Bank Agency System (Master's Thesis, Sungkyunkwan University, 2010)