Jongbaek Park

  • Partner
  • T. +82-2-3404-0135
  • F. +82-2-3404-7686
  • E.


Jongbaek Park, who leads the Blockchain and Crypto-asset team, mainly advises on blockchain, cryptoasset, fintech, personal information protection, compliance obligations relating to open source software, info-communications industry, cross-border/domestic financial transactions, asset management and real estate investment, capital markets and private fund investment. Mr. Park also has provided advisory services for various committees and governmental agencies regarding vcrypto assets, STOs and open source related issues.

Mr. Park began his career as lawyer in 1992. With the Chevening Scholarship awarded by the Foreign Commonwealth Office, U.K. in 1999, he studied at the London School of Economics, earning an LL.M. degree (International Financial Law). He worked at the London headquarters and Hong Kong branch of Richards Butler, a UK law firm, for about one year. After returning to Korea, he focused his practice on a wide range of financial and corporate transactions. Starting from 2007, his practice was extended to advising on open-source software licenses and compliance issues. He then became a member of the FSFE and also led the Korea Open Source Software Law Center. Since 2016, while advising on mainnet blockchains, ICO, STO, DeFi, NFT, Game tokens, tokenization, DAO projects and a variety of business models using blockchain technologies and virtual assets including payment gate service using payment tokens, he has not only participated as a speaker or panel member in numerous international and domestic conferences on almost every crypto-asset related issues and new legislation, and the regulatory sandbox, but has also actively engaged in the task force with the National Pariament to make a draft bill for governing the overall virtual asset industry. He has also led Bae, Kim & Lee LLC Blockchain and Crypto-asset Conference held periodically for a couple of years. Mr. Park has recently authored “Crypto Sapiens and Changing Order (Sejong Books, 2023)” based on his extensive work experience in advising many corporations and governments in regard to the blockchain area.

Mr. Park graduated from the Department of Law of Seoul National University and earned an LL.B. from Seoul National University and LL.M. from Seoul National University School of Law. He completed the 18th training course of the Judicial Research and Training Institute. He joined BKL in November 2013.

Representative Experience

2013-Present Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
2009-2013 Managing Partner, APEX LLC
2002-2008 Managing Partner, Sewha Park & Goo
2000-2001 Richards Butler, London & Hong Kong Office
1992-1998 Attorney, Aram Law Firm
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2023-Present Member, Digital Assets Public-Private Task Force, Financial Services Commission
2021-Present Vice President, Blockchain & Law Society
2020-2021 TF Member of the Virtual Asset Industry Rights Act (Hosted by CoinDesk Korea, National Assemblyman's Office)
2020-Present Member, Global Blockchain Covergence
2019-Present Chairperson, Planning Academic Committee, Blockchain & Law Society
2019-2023 Member, Operating Committee, Busan Blockchain Regulation-Free Zone
2016-Present Director, Indian Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ICCK)
2015-2019 Member, Investment Management Committee, Incheon Metropolitan City
2014-2018 Non-Standing Director, National Pension Service
2014 Member, Alternative Investment Committee, National Pension Service
2013-Present Director, Korean Council for International Arbitration
2013-2019 Director, Korea Creative Economy Research Network
2011-2008 Member, Commercial Act Revision Committee, Ministry of Justice
2010-Present Representative, Korea Open Source Software Law Center
2007-2008 Member, Commercial Act Revision Committee, Ministry of Justice
2006-Present Director, Korean Arbitration Association, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
2005-2006 Member, Foreign Legal Consultant Act Enactment Committee, Ministry of Justice
2004-Present Arbitrator, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
2003-2015 Advisor, Foreign Investment Promotion Advisory Council, Incheon Metropolitan City
2003-2005 Member, Venture Advisory Club, Korea Venture Business Association
2002-2006 Advisor, KODAQ Market of the Korea Exchange

Representative Matters

Advised Bank of Korea on its mock CDBC
Advised Hashed on its venture capital fund to invest in crypto companies
Advised CRIT Ventures on its investment in an blockchain fund
Advised Upbit on its agreement related to a NFT-trading platform and on Travel Rule
Advised Sejong Telecom on its STO sandbox for beneficiary certificates of real estate funds
Advised Bank of Korea on its mock CDBC
Advised Hashed on its venture capital fund to invest in crypto companies
Advised CRIT Ventures on its investment in an blockchain fund
Advised Upbit on its agreement related to a NFT-trading platform and on Travel Rule
Advised Sejong Telecom on its STO sandbox for beneficiary certificates of real estate funds
Advised Ava Labs on its decentralized exchange
Advised Binance on the Act on Reporting and Using Specified Financial Transaction Information
Advised Ethereum Foundation on Layer 2 blockchains
Advised Avalanche
Advised Funble on its STO sandbox for trust beneficiary certificates
Advised Nine Chronicles on NGC issuance structure and regulations
Advised LINE on its LINK issuance, white paper, and investors
Advised Hancom on its open source compliance such as Hancom Office
Advised Samsung SRA on its investment in Aberdeen Asset Management Fund in the UK, Bosch Logistics Center in Germany, and Paramount REITs Fund in the US
Advised National Pension Service on its overseas alternative investment


2000 London School of Economics and Political Science (LL.M.)
1989 Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
1987 Seoul National University (LL.M.)
1985 Seoul National University (LL.B.)

Selected Activities

Crypto Sapiens and the Changing Order (Sejongbooks, 2023)
Open Source Software License (Communication Books, 2016)
Study on How Countries that Opened Their Legal Markets Manage and Supervise Foreign Legal Advisors (International Legal Affairs Division of Ministry of Justice, 2004)
About Allocation of Profits from the Listing of Life Insurance Company (Law Times, 2004)
About Legal Issues surrounding BTO (Chungbuk Development Institute, 2000)
Avalanche Summit, panel discussion on ‘Regulation beyond the US and the EU’ (2023)
The Legal 500 - Leading Lawyer (2023-2024)
Who's Who Legal - Leading Practitioner (2022-2024)
Awarded British Empire Medal from the U.K. government (2024)
Lexology - Client Choice Awards (2024)
Legal Times - Leading Lawyer (2022-2023)


1989 Korea

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