Hyun Beom

  • Partner
  • T. +82-2-3404-0194
  • F. +82-2-3404-0802
  • E. hyun.beom@bkl.co.kr


Hyun Beom specializes in consultation and litigation (including civil, criminal, and administrative litigation) services in the areas of construction and real estate.

After joining Bae Kim & Lee LLC in 2001, Mr. Beom has engaged in litigations and consultations related to various construction and real estate projects, such as reconstruction/re-development projects, private investment projects, plant projects, housing construction projects, and government-procured construction projects. He has assumed various positions such as an expert counsel of the Sentencing Commission of the Supreme Court, a member of the Warrants Deliberation Committee of the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office, an arbitrator of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, a conciliation commissioner of the Seoul High Court, an executive director of the Society of Construction Law, Korea, and vice president of the Society of Subcontract Law.

Mr. Beom graduated from Korea University (LL.B.) and completed the course of Judicial Research and Training Institute. He studied at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law and the Donghua University, China.

Representative Experience

2001-Present Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
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2021 Member, Serious Disaster Prevention Expert Task Force, Ministry of Employment and Labor
2021-Present Member, Self-Evaluation Committee (Industrial Accident Prevention Support Sub-Committee), Ministry of Employment and Labor
2021-Present Member, Warrants Deliberation Committee, Seoul High Prosecutors' Office
2020-Present Arbitrator, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
2019-Present Vice President, Society of Subcontract Law
2017-2021 Conciliation Commissioner, Seoul Hight Court
2015-Present Executive Director, Society of Construction Law, Korea
2010-2021 Expert Counsel, Sentencing Commission of Supreme Court of Korea

Representative Matters

Advised a client on projects for making urban improvements through reconstruction and redevelopment works and local housing association projects, litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on construction costs (related to overheads, crash costs, design changes, etc.), litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on subcontracting, litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on restriction of bid participating, business suspension and other similar administrative measures, litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on serious and industrial accidents, litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on projects for making urban improvements through reconstruction and redevelopment works and local housing association projects, litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on construction costs (related to overheads, crash costs, design changes, etc.), litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on subcontracting, litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on restriction of bid participating, business suspension and other similar administrative measures, litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on serious and industrial accidents, litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on urban development projects (involving the Incheon Songdo Free Economic Zone, Sangam DMC, etc.), litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on private investment projects (involving the Incheon International Airport Railway, Gyeongin Canal, the Second Seoul Outer-Ring Road, Busan New Port, etc.), litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised a client on bid rigging, litigating to defend the client's rights
Advised several different clients on real estate project financing, construction defects and environment disputes (over right of light and view)


2006 University of Southern California Gould School of Law (LL.M.)
2001 Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
1996 Korea University (LL.B.)

Selected Activities

Key Issues on Urban Improvement Project-Related Preliminary Injunctions Related (Parkyoungsa, 2023)
Key Issues in the Act on the Improvement of Urban Areas and Residential Environments (Pakyoungsa, 2021)
Various Problems in the Act on Comprehensive Plans for Construction in the National Territory (Co-author, Pakyoungsa, 2020)
Commentary of the Act on Contracts to Which the State Is a Party (Co-author, Pakyoungsa, 2017)
Online Notes to the Housing Act (Lead author, LAWnB Onju, 2017)


2020 Cost Analyst (Korea)
2001 Korea