
  • パートナー
  • T. +82-2-3404-0941
  • F. +82-2-3404-0806
  • E. byeongseon.moon@bkl.co.kr


Byeongseon Moon's practice focuses on administrative and constitutional lawsuits and legislative consultations and he has many experiences in handling energy-related issues. Mr. Moon is also actively carrying out pro bono activities by obtaining decisions to revoke non-recognition of refugee status in a number of cases.

Mr. Moon earned his LL.B. from Seoul National University. He completed the 38th Judicial Research and Training Institute course. He earned a master’s degree in Law—Administrative Law of the U.S. and Energy Law—from Seoul National University. He wrote his graduation thesis on new and renewable energy.

After finishing his military service as a judge advocate for the Republic of Korea Army, Mr. Moon joined Bae, Kim & Lee LLC in 2012.


2016 Visiting Researcher, Seoul National University Center for Energy & Environmental Law and Policy
2012-現在 Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
2009-2012 Judge Advocate, Republic of Korea Army
2018-2019 Assistant Administrator, Korean Public Law Association


Represented a client in its petition case seeking confirmation of the unconstitutionality of Article 18(1) of the Korean Regulation on Training and Qualification of Dentists, etc
Represented a client in its constitutional complaint against Article 18(1)6, etc. of the Korean Health Functional Foods Act
Represented a client in its petition seeking confirmation of the unconstitutionality of part of Korean Ministry of Economy and Finance's housing market stabilization plan
Represented a client in its petition seeking confirmation of the unconstitutionality of Article 109(10), etc. of the Korean National Health Insurance Act
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking revocation of an ex-officio decision cancelling an administrative measure taken against an educational institution designated as an autonomous private high school
Represented a client in its petition case seeking confirmation of the unconstitutionality of Article 18(1) of the Korean Regulation on Training and Qualification of Dentists, etc
Represented a client in its constitutional complaint against Article 18(1)6, etc. of the Korean Health Functional Foods Act
Represented a client in its petition seeking confirmation of the unconstitutionality of part of Korean Ministry of Economy and Finance's housing market stabilization plan
Represented a client in its petition seeking confirmation of the unconstitutionality of Article 109(10), etc. of the Korean National Health Insurance Act
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking revocation of an ex-officio decision cancelling an administrative measure taken against an educational institution designated as an autonomous private high school
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking revocation of a decision cancelling the designation of an educational institution as a specialized middle school (international middle school)
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking revocation of a decision ordering the adjustment of school textbook prices
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking revocation of a decision requiring the termination of teacher employment contracts and return of unfair enrichment
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking confirmation of the nullity of ordinance enforcement rules
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking revocation of a decision suspending the applicability of medical care benefits to pharmaceutical companies and a decision reducing the respective upper price limits of the drugs insured by the Korean National Health Insurance Program
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking preliminary injunction for suspending the effect of a board resolution discontinuing the construction of Shin Kori Nuclear Reactor Units 5 and 6
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking revocation of a measure taken against a violation of the Korean Wastes Control Act
Represented the PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic Winter Games in its lawsuit seeking adjustment of the expenses caused by the use of the Olympic stadium facilities
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking revocation of a decision permitting the registration of a retail store established within a medical institution's premises as a drugstore
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking revocation of a decision cancelling the designation of a business entity as a travel agency exclusively dedicated to attracting Chinese group tourists
Represented a client in its lawsuit concerning reemployment and punishment of teachers
Represented a client in its lawsuit seeking return of admission fees paid to a membership-based golf club
Represented a Cynanchum wilfordii health functional food manufacturer in a lawsuit filed on account of its violation of the Korean Health Functional Foods Act
Represented an Omega-3 health functional food manufacturer in a lawsuit filed on account of its violation of the Korean Health Functional Foods Act


2012 Seoul National University (LL.M.)
2009 Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
2005 Seoul National University (LL.B.)


Study on the Plan for Development of Domestic Green Growth System (Co-author, Seoul National University R&DB Foundation, 2012)
Study on Security of Effectiveness, Fairness and Environment-Friendliness Regarding Introduction, Concept, System and Enforcement of New & Renewable Energy (Master's Thesis, Seoul National University, 2012)


2009 Korea