

2020-現在 Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
2017-2020 Judge, Seoul Southern District Court
2014-2017 Judge, Anyang Branch of Suwon District Court
2010-2014 Judge, Daejeon District Court


Various litigation relating to poor management by collective investment vehicles of fund assets
Litigation relating to restitution of unjust enrichment between an education foundation and a local government
Litigation relating to compensation for damage with respect to press reports
Litigation relating to a property dispute and confirmation of status against the families of the same clan
Litigation relating to compensation for damage with respect to defects in vehicles
Various litigation relating to poor management by collective investment vehicles of fund assets
Litigation relating to restitution of unjust enrichment between an education foundation and a local government
Litigation relating to compensation for damage with respect to press reports
Litigation relating to a property dispute and confirmation of status against the families of the same clan
Litigation relating to compensation for damage with respect to defects in vehicles
Litigation relating to real estate project financing defaults
Litigation relating to compensation for damage with respect to industrial accidents at business places
Litigation relating to termination of a continuous transaction for supply of goods
Litigation relating to defects in installation of wastewater facilities
Professional negligence resulting in death at business places and construction sites
Litigation relating to restitution of unjust enrichment between an education foundation and a local government
Injuntion against prohibition on bidding process by a local government
Advisory services
Advice on compensation for damage with repsect to supply of robots
Advice in litigation for damages against an auditor for poor auditing upon issuance of new shares
Advice relating to a dispute in connection with renewal of an urban gas supply agreement
Advice relating to acquisition of class shares in a public institution


2010 Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
2008 Seoul National University (B.A.)


2010 Korea