
  • パートナー
  • T. +82-2-3404-6551
  • F. +82-2-3404-7688
  • E. jinhoon.gim@bkl.co.kr


Jinhoon Gim mainly advises on responding to investigations by the Korea Fair Trade Commission and handling any related lawsuit, making a business combination report and performing all related tasks, and dealing with pharmaceutical and healthcare-related legal affairs. Mr. Gim has experience in advising clients on all aspects of their responses to investigations and administrative lawsuits in relation to, among others, any allegation of their having committed a collusive act, abused their market-dominating position or used their superior bargaining power over other contracting parties, as well as in handling a number of business combination cases.

The clients that Mr. Gim successfully defended are as follows, to name a few: a steelmaker sued for its alleged rebar price-rigging collusion with other steelmakers; a construction company sued for its alleged bid-rigging collusion with other construction companies; a global communications chipset manufacturer sued for its alleged abused of its market-dominating position; and an automobile part manufacturer sued for its alleged act of compelling agents to buy its products. He has also advised on numerous M&A deals, including a horizontal one between pay TV service providers and a vertical one between a steelmaker and a wire rod manufacturer. In addition, his practice encompasses not only clients in need of advisory services for responding to investigations into their alleged violations of the subcontracting law, agency law, franchise business law, labelling and advertising law or any other applicable law, but also clients in need of representation services because of, e.g., a sanction imposed for their alleged illegitimate act against other contracting parties and a damage claim filed for their alleged violation of the competition law.

Based on the above experience and expertise, Mr. Gim has lectured on related issues and implications in a number of organizations, including companies, the Korea Fair Competition Federation, and Korea Health Industry Development Institute.


2009-現在 Bae, Kim & Lee LLC


Advised a steel manufacturer on its response to the KFTC's investigation into collusion involving rebar and scrap metal
Advised a telecom company on its response to the KFTC's investigation into collusion
Advised clients on filings of business combination between broadcasting and telecommunications companies and submission of stakeholders' opinions
Represented a global medical device company in an administrative lawsuit regarding its alleged violations of the MRFTA
Represented an automotive parts manufacturer in an administrative lawsuit regarding its alleged violations of the MRFTA
Advice on Collusive Practices
Advised a steel manufacturer on its response to the KFTC's investigation into collusion involving rebar and scrap metal
Advised a telecom company on its response to the KFTC's investigation into collusion
Advised a client on its response to the KFTC's investigation into bid-rigging in government and public procurement
Advised a client on its response to the KFTC's investigation into reverse payment settlements among pharmaceutical companies
Advised a client on its response to the KFTC's investigation into collusion by dairy companies
Advice on Unfair Trade Practices and Abuse of Market Dominance
Advised a global medical device company on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act ("MRFTA")
Advised a telecom company on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the MRFTA in relation to the distribution of mobile devices
Advised a pharmaceutical company on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the MRFTA
Advised a shipbuilding parts manufacturer on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the MRFTA
Advised a broadcasting company on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the MRFTA
Advice on Labeling and Advertising
Advised a telecom company on its response to an investigation into the company's alleged violations of the Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising ("AFLA")
Advised a boiler manufacturer on its response to an investigation into the company's alleged violations of the AFLA
Advised an automotive parts manufacturer on its response to an investigation into the company's alleged violations of the AFLA
Advice on Franchising, Distribution, and Subcontracting
Advised a restaurant franchise headquarters on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the Act on Fair Transactions in Franchise Business
Advised a convenience store business operator on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the Distribution Industry Development Act
Advised a tire mold manufacturer on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act (the "Subcontracting Act")
Advised an industrial equipment manufacturer on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the Subcontracting Act
Advised a global elevator company on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the Subcontracting Act
Advice on Internal Transactions, Business Groups, and Holding Companies
Advised a client on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the MRFTA in relation to its internal transactions with an advertising agency
Advised a semiconductor manufacturing business group on its response to the KFTC's investigation into the company's alleged violations of the MRFTA in relation to restrictions on the activities of a holding company
Business Combination
Advised clients on filings of business combination between broadcasting and telecommunications companies and submission of stakeholders' opinions
Advised clients on business combination in connection with pharmaceutical wholesale business
Advised clients on the establishment of companies and business combination filings through transfer of business in connection with various PEFs, PFVs, and funds
Advised a client on its filing for business combination between steel manufacturers
Advised clients on the analysis of anti-competitive effects in connection with business combination
Fair Trade Compliance and Regulatory Response
Advised pharmaceutical companies on fair trade compliance
Advised dairy companies on fair trade compliance
Advised a software developer on fair trade compliance
Advised financial and insurance companies on fair trade compliance
Administrative Litigation
Represented a global medical device company in an administrative lawsuit regarding its alleged violations of the MRFTA
Represented a steel manufacturer in an administrative lawsuit regarding its alleged violations of the MRFTA
Represented an automotive parts manufacturer in an administrative lawsuit regarding its alleged violations of the MRFTA
Represented a global semiconductor company in an administrative lawsuit regarding its alleged violations of the MRFTA
Represented a petrochemical company in an administrative lawsuit regarding its alleged violations of the MRFTA
Represented a client in an administrative lawsuit regarding to sanctions and emergency suspension dispositions against dishonest contractors in the Korea Online E-Procurement System
Civil Litigation
Represented a client in a damages claim case regarding collusion by construction companies
Represented a client in a damages claim case filed by a bid issuer
Represented a client in a recourse claim case between colluding companies
Represented clients in civil lawsuits regarding dealership, subcontracting, and franchising disputes


2017 University of Minnesota Law School (LL.M.)
2009 Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
2007 Yonsei University (LL.B.)


Tunneling Regulations under the MRFTA – Focusing on Provisions on Prohibition of Private Profit-Taking Behaviors, BFL No. 78, pp. 24-40 (Co-author, Seoul National University Center for Financial Law, 2016)
Theory & Practice of the Act on Fair Transactions in Large Retail Business (Co-author, Pakyoungsa, 2012)
Speaker, Corporate Response to Changes in Fair Trade Regulations, WEBINAR - Presentation of Issues and their Implications involving Key Fair Trade Cases (Bae, Kim & Lee LLC, 2020)
Lecture on Issues involving Agency Law in Pharmaceutical Industry (Korea Health Industry Development Institute, 2020)
Lecture on Comprehensive Understanding of Agency Law (Korea Fair Competition Federation, 2020)


2009 Korea