
  • パートナー
  • T. +82-2-3404-6517
  • F. +82-2-3404-7687
  • E. seongjun.joo@bkl.co.kr


Seongjun Joo is a partner leading the customs team within the Tax Practice Group at Bae, Kim & Lee LLC. Mr. Joo's practice primarily focuses on matters involving customs law, including free trade agreements, foreign exchange issues, cryptocurrency, HS classification and origin verifications. Mr. Joo has extensive experience in representing corporate clients before the Korean Customs Service, customs offices, the Tax Tribunal and the Courts regarding customs-related matters.

Mr. Joo earned an LL.B. from Korea University, was admitted to the Korean Bar and completed the 34th Judicial Research and Training Institute course. He served as a commissioner of the National Tax Examination Committee of the National Tax Service Seodaemun District Tax Office, legal advisor at the Incheon Main Customs, commissioner of the Tariff Examination Committee of the Suwon Customs, commissioner of the Country of Origin Examination Committee of the Incheon Main Customs, legal advisor at Korea Tourism Organization, commissioner of the Tariff Examination Committee of the Cheonan Customs, member of the Customs Division of the Taxation System Development Deliberation Committee at the Ministry of Economy and Finance and currently serves as a commissioner of the Customs Commission at the Tax Law Association.


2008-現在 Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
2005-2008 Judge Advocate, Republic of Korea Army
2024-現在 Non-standing Director, Customs Information & Technology Service
2023-現在 Member, Customs Division, Taxation System Development Deliberation Committee, Ministry of Economy and Finance
2022-現在 Commissioner, Customs Commission, Tax Law Association
2018-2022 Commissioner, Tariff Examination Committee, Cheonan Customs
2017-2019 Legal Advisor, Korea Tourism Organization
2013-2017 Commissioner, Country of Origin Examination Committee, Incheon Main Customs
2012-2014 Commissioner, Tariff Examination Committee, Suwon Customs
2011-2015 Legal Advisor, Incheon Main Customs
2010-2012 Commissioner, National Tax Examination Committee, National Tax Service Seodaemun District Tax Office


Represented KT in litigation regarding VAT related to handset subsidies provided by the mobile carrier to distributors
Represented Philip Morris Korea in the case before the Supreme Court regarding whether it is illegal to impose customs duties, etc. based on a customs investigation in violation of the principle of prohibiting double investigation
Represented SK Innovation in the case regarding the refund of petroleum import levy on gas and hydrogen generated in oil refining and petrochemical processes
Represented a client in the case before the Tax Tribunal regarding whether raw materials are the same in connection with the refund of crude oil tariff after the export of petroleum products
Represented a client in the first court case regarding whether the payment and receipt of transaction price of virtual currency trading companies are in violation of payment and receipt procedures under the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act
Represented KT in litigation regarding VAT related to handset subsidies provided by the mobile carrier to distributors
Represented Philip Morris Korea in the case before the Supreme Court regarding whether it is illegal to impose customs duties, etc. based on a customs investigation in violation of the principle of prohibiting double investigation
Represented SK Innovation in the case regarding the refund of petroleum import levy on gas and hydrogen generated in oil refining and petrochemical processes
Represented a client in the case before the Tax Tribunal regarding whether raw materials are the same in connection with the refund of crude oil tariff after the export of petroleum products
Represented a client in the first court case regarding whether the payment and receipt of transaction price of virtual currency trading companies are in violation of payment and receipt procedures under the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act
Advised duty-free shop companies on their acquisition of patents regarding downtown and airport duty free shops
Advised an importer of German machine tools on the investigation of its alleged evasion of customs duties
Represented Korea Gas Corporation on the tax tribunal case regarding the effectiveness of a certificate of country of origin issued by a producer describing numerous exporters upon application of the Korea-Australia FTA
Represented Hyundai Oil Bank on the tax tribunal case regarding the effectiveness of a declaration of country of origin prepared by a representative upon application of the Korea-EU FTA
Represented GS Caltex on the tax tribunal case regarding the recognition of a Norwegian corporation's status as a certified exporter upon application of the Korea-EU FTA
Represented Hyundai Engineering on the litigation regarding the classification of a set of power generation facilities
Advised a client on the request for review regarding the application of preferential tariff for least developed countries to the tobacco leaves imported from Africa
Represented a client in the litigation regarding whether customs duty should be imposed for any omitted declaration of carry-out from a bonded area upon transfer of foreign goods among bonded factory
Represented a client in the litigation regarding classification of items of sockets for IC tester


2005 Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
2001 Korea University (LL.B.)


2005 Korea