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Dongshin Lee focuses his practice on advising and representing in civil, criminal and administrative matters concerning construction, real estate, corporate affairs, finance, and administration

Previously, Mr. Lee served as judges of the Seoul Central District Court, Seoul High Court, Supreme Court of Korea, etc., for 18 years. In particular, he also served as research judge of the Supreme Court of Korea for four years between 2002 and 2007 (including the period when he worked as research judge and chief judge of District Court, at the same time). Since joining Bae, Kim & Lee LLC in 2007, he has handled large-scale civil, criminal and administrative matters concerning construction, real estate, corporate affairs and finance as well as advising on corporate legal affairs.

While practicing as an attorney, Mr. Lee gave lectures on advocating practice in civil cases at the Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea and on writing legal documents at Korea University Law School. In addition, he served as an arbitrator of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, a non-standing member of the Administrative Judgement Committee, an interviewer assessing work capability of legal practitioners, and member of the Subcommittee of 2nd-term Civil Law Revision Committee, Ministry of Justice and member of the Public Land Banking Deliberation Committee, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. He wrote papers on civil and commercial laws while serving as a judge.


2007-現在 Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
2005-2007 Research Judge, Supreme Court of Korea (Presiding Judge of District Court)
2004-2005 Chief Judge, Chungju Branch of Cheongju District Court (Presiding Judge of District Court)
2002-2004 Research Judge, Supreme Court of Korea
2000-2002 Judge, Seoul High Court
1999-2000 Judge, Seoul District Court
1996-1999 Judge, Northern Branch of Seoul District Court
1996-1997 Visiting Scholar, Yale Law School
1993-1996 Judge, Gangneung Branch of Chuncheon District Court
1991-1993 Judge, Eastern Branch of Seoul District Court
1989-1991 Judge, Seoul Civil District Court
2010-2011 Adjunct Professor, Korea University School of Law
2010 Member, 4th Subcommittee of 2nd-term Civil Law Revision Committee, Ministry of Justice
2010-現在 Arbitrator, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
2010-2012 Non-Standing Member, Central Administrative Appeals Commission
2010-2011 Adjunct Professor, Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
2008-2009 Interviewer Assessing Work Capability of Legal Practitioners, National Court Administration


1989 Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
1987 Seoul National University (LL.B.)


A Research on Precedents Pertaining to Liquidated Damages and Damages for Breach of Contracts, Problems of Civil Trials Vol. 11 (Co-author, Korean Society of Judicial Administration, 2002)
Responsibilities for Incomplete Securities Disclosure Documents Trial Data Vol. 90 (Co-author, Supreme Court Library, 2001)
Various Problems on Substantial and Adjective Laws for Cases related to Negligence Fines, Judicial Paper Vol. 31 (Co-author, National Court Administration, 2000)
Problems related to Regulation on Maintenance of Sales Price and Open Price System, Trial Data, Vol. 87 (Co-author, Supreme Court Library, 2000)
Trend of Recent Precedents Pertaining to Medical Malpractice Trials in U.S, Trial Data Vol. 80 (Co-author, Supreme Court Library, 1998)


1989 Korea