Hongjoong (HJ) Kim

  • Partner
  • T. +82-2-3404-0692
  • F. +82-2-3404-0802
  • E. hongjoong.kim@bkl.co.kr


Hongjoong (HJ) Kim is a partner at International Arbitration and Litigation Practice Group, Bae, Kim & Lee LLC.

Mr. Kim joined BKL in 2006 after three years of service in the Korean Air Force as a judge advocate.

Since then, he has been involved in hundreds of large-scale international disputes. His experience covers a wide range of disputes over the industries, including but not limited to post-M&A, distributorship, shipbuilding, aerospace, retail, automobile parts, oil, and health care.

Mr. Kim represents the Korean Bar Association ("KBA") as the Vice President (international affairs) and Chairman of the International Committee.

Mr. Kim is qualified in both Korea and New York.

Representative Experience

2023-Present Chairman, International Committee, Korean Bar Association
2023-Present Vice President of International Affairs, Korean Bar Association
2006-Present Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
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2023-Present Member, the ICCA (International Council for Commercial Arbitration) 2028 Seoul Congress Bid Committee
2023-Present EXCO member, LAWASIA
2023-Present Councillor, Republic of Korea, LAWASIA
2023-Present Member, Foreign Legal Consultant Disciplinary Committee, Ministry of Justice
2023-Present Organisation Member, International Bar Association (IBA)
2023-Present Director, International Association of Korean Lawyers (IAKL)
2022-Present Mediator, Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC)
2018-Present International Arbitrator, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board International
2016-2023 Advisor, Legal Advisory Group for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Entry into Overseas Markets, Ministry of Justice
2015-Present Arbitrator, The Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
2014-2017 Court-appointed Mediator, Seoul Central District Court
2014-2016 Member, Revision Committee of International Arbitration Rules, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
2012 Mediator, Los Angeles County Superior Court
2003-2006 Judge Advocate, Republic of Korea Air Force

Representative Matters

Represented a retail company in an ICC arbitration in Singapore in relation its supermarket business in China
Represented a US medical equipment manufacturing company in an ICC arbitration in Singapore regarding the termination of its distribution agreement in Korea
Represented a heavy industry company in an ICC arbitration in Paris involving a dispute among its shareholders
Represented a IT & engineering company in the pursuit of cancelling an arbitral award (regarding its waste recycling agreement) in Seoul
Represented a client in a dispute over its nuclear power plant system supply agreement under the KCAB rules in Seoul
Represented an insurance company in an ad hoc arbitration in Thailand regarding its retrocession contract (life insurance)
Represented a Saudi subsidiary in an ICC arbitration in Saudi Arabia involving construction costs
Represented a retail company in an ICC arbitration in Singapore in relation its supermarket business in China
Represented a US medical equipment manufacturing company in an ICC arbitration in Singapore regarding the termination of its distribution agreement in Korea
Represented an aircraft developer in an ICC arbitration in Switzerland involving its helicopter supply agreement
Represented a client in an LMAA arbitration in London in connection with the delivery of vessels
Represented a client in a LCIA arbitration in London in relation to the termination of a distribution agreement for food production equipment
Represented a heavy industry company in an ICC arbitration in Paris involving a dispute among its shareholders
Represented a client in an ICC arbitration in Seoul involving the termination of a construction materials production agreement
Represented a client in an ad hoc arbitration in Seoul in relation to insurance claim under erection all risks insurance (thermal power plant)
Represented an airline company in an ICC arbitration in Singapore involving its in-flight meal supply agreement
Represented a IT & engineering company in the pursuit of cancelling an arbitral award (regarding its waste recycling agreement) in Seoul
Represented a client in a dispute over its nuclear power plant system supply agreement under the KCAB rules in Seoul
Represented a client in an ICC arbitration in Seoul in relation to a multifunctional new town development project
Represented a Philippine subsidiary in a CIAC arbitration in the Philippines in relation to its local construction works
Represented a client in a dispute over its combined cycle power plant supply agreement under the KCAB rules in Seoul
Represented a Chinese joint venture company (food company) in an ICC arbitration in Hong Kong involving a dispute among its shareholders
Represented a client in a KCAB arbitration in Seoul regarding its port management agreement
Represented a client in a U.S. lawsuit in Philadelphia in relation to solar panel defects
Represented a client in a U.S. lawsuit in New York involving stock price manipulation
Represented a client in an ICC arbitration in Seoul involving its solar power plant in Bulgaria


2012 Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law (LL.M.)
2003 Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
2002 Yonsei University (LL.B.)

Selected Activities

ICLG - International Arbitration 2023 – South Korea (Global Legal Group, 2023)
Chambers Global Practice Guides: Enforcement of Judgments 2023 (Chambers and Partners, 2023)
GAR - The Investment Treaty Arbitration Know-how 2022 - South Korea (Global Arbitration Review, 2022)
Chambers Global Practice Guides: Enforcement of Judgments 2022 - South Korea (Chambers and Partners, 2022)
ICLG - International Arbitration 2022 (Global Legal Group, 2022)
ICLG - International Arbitration 2020: Promotional Guidelines (International Comparative Legal Guide, 2020)
A Financial Arrangement in International Arbitration through Third Party Funding, Arbitration Journal Vol. 351, pp. 6-17 (Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, 2019)
Arbitration Law & Practice (Co-author, Pakyoungsa, 2016)
Analysis of the Supreme Court Judgment 2012Da4824 concerning whether the operating loss resulting from the product defect can be compensated under the Product Liability Act, Risk and Insurance Vol. 120 (Korean Reinsurance Company, 2016)
In-House Counsel's Attorney-Client Privilege concerning Discovery Procedures, Arbitration Journal Vol. 344, pp. 48-53 (Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, 2016)
About Revision of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board's International Arbitration Rules on Appointment of Arbitrators, Arbitration Journal Vol. 343, pp. 14-21 (Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, 2015)
Arbitration Law of Korea: Practice and Procedure (Co-author, Juris Publishing, 2012)
Chambers Asia-Pacific - Leading Lawyer (2022-2024)
Chambers Global - Leading Lawyer (2019-2024)
Who's Who Legal - Leading Practitioner (2024)


2015 New York
2003 Korea

Awards and Recognition

Awards and Recognition